In the READY4SmartCities FP7 CSA we are collecting datasets about smart cities and energy efficiency. Here you can find the list of datasets we have identified so far. You can also propose datasets to be included in the catalogue, either through a detailed form if you have more time to fill the required data or through a very short form.

Datasets RDF Resource Description Framework Icon

Along the catalogue the following color code is used to represent different information. Furthermore, in addition to the color, each cell contains detailed information when available.

Dataset Digital form Publicly available Free of charge Available online Machine-readable Available in bulk Open License Up to date Domain Natural Language
Weather Data, Provided by City of Aarhus in Denmark Unknown Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CC-BY 3.0 No temperature humidity pressure environmental values location nodes dew point wind speed weather data wind direction en
Vehicle Traffic Data, Provided by City of Aarhus in Denmark No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown No traffic data location nodes sensor measurements en
State Energy Data System Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown No energy certification energy production (us) energy data physical units energy consumption en
Daily Global Weather Measurements, 1929-2009 (NCDC, GSOD) Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown weather measurement en
Parking Data Stream, Provided by City of Aarhus in Denmark No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CC-BY 3.0 No parking lots transportation data en
Pollution Data, Provided by City of Aarhus in Denmark Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CC-BY 3.0 No city pollution air pollution data location nodes environmental values sensor measurements citypulse en
Répener building energy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Unknown Unknown transportation data energy certification climate zone energy efficiency building monitoring en
Linked Clean Energy Data Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Unknown project outcome documents,thesaurus policy and regulatory country profiles,key stakeholders renewables climate change energy efficiency en
INERTIA Ontology dataset instance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown All rights reserve No models of devices occupancy model. location context en
Energy efficiency assessments and improvements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Unknown measures for energy efficiency improvements saved energy cost en
ROUTE - Route Ontology of Urban Transportation Entities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Yes services athens stop times transportation network ga fr el en
Number of dwellings by tenure and district in the UK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Yes national cities government uk dwellings en
Energy time-series mapping from University of Southampton No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Unknown energy time-series map en
BP Review of World Energy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown No energy-supply energy-demand en
Impact indicator: energy efficiency of new build housing in the UK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Yes housing impcat indicator energy efficiency new buildings en
Residential Energy Consumption Survey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unknown transportation data appliances energy data federal datasets housing national saved energy statistics energy use energy consumption energy certification en Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Unknown construction materials building monitoring en
Housing Market Indicators Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Yes housing market indicators en
Enipedia – Energy Industry Data Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No PDDL Unknown energy certification industry crossdomain en