See more information about this ontology in Linked Open Vocabularies.
The following evaluation results have been generated by the RESTFul web service provided by OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!).
It is obvious that not all the pitfalls are equally important; their impact in the ontology will depend on multiple factors. For this reason, each pitfall has an importance level attached indicating how important it is. We have identified three levels:
Ontology terms lack annotations properties. This kind of properties improves the ontology understanding and usability from a user point of view.
This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:
Relationships and/or attributes without domain or range (or none of them) are included in the ontology. There are situations in which the relation is very general and the range should be the most general concept "Thing". However, in other cases, the relations are more specific and it could be a good practice to specify its domain and/or range. An example of this type of pitfall is to create the relationship "hasWritten" in an ontology about art in which the relationship domain should be "Writer" and the relationship range should be "LiteraryWork". This pitfall is related to the common error when defining ranges and domains described in [3].
This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:
This pitfall appears when a relationship (except for the symmetric ones) has not an inverse relationship defined within the ontology. For example, the case in which the ontology developer omits the inverse definition between the relations "hasLanguageCode" and "isCodeOf", or between "hasReferee" and "isRefereeOf".
This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:
An ontology element is used in its own definition. For example, it is used to create the relationship "hasFork" and to establish as its range the following ���the set of restaurants that have at least one value for the relationship "hasFork".
This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:
In the case of not having defined the ontology URI nor the xml:base namespace, the ontology namespace is matched to the file location. This situation is not desirable as the location of a file might change while the ontology should remain stable as proposed in LDV1. An example of this pitfall (at 29th June, 2012) could be found at the "Basic Access Control ontology (acl)" with URI has no owl:Ontology tag nor xml:base def-inition.
*This pitfall applies to the ontology in general instead of specific elements